On the issues

  • Have you ever met anyone who likes their health insurance company? Me neither. Americans are spending far too much on essential features of a working community. We need bold, innovative solutions to cut out the corporate middleman between you and your healthcare provider.

  • Housing costs are out of control. What was once a regular trip to the grocery store feels like a shopping spree. Utility costs keep going up. Corporate profits have never been higher.

    As the people who make this society work, we have the skills and resources to stand up and take control of the outrageous cost of living in Oregon.

    As your Senator, I would fight to get big corporate money out of housing, and expand programs for first time home buyers. I would fight to provide funding for public utility districts, community gardens, and co-ops and return ownership of our resources to people who actually live and work in our community.

    This is our state. We don't owe big corporations a dime to live here.

  • We have an abundance of infrastructure projects, lines out the door for apprenticeships, and a surplus of revenue at the state. We need to invest in high-demand, good, working-family wage jobs.

    Nobody should have to wait years or go into tremendous debt for jobs we need done today.

  • I often hear people get frustrated with how much they have to pay in taxes. Frankly, I'm frustrated too. But I'm frustrated because Central and Southern Oregon aren't getting their money's worth.

    We send candidates to Salem that, like a band-aid on a broken leg, attempt to reduce spending by cutting funding for programs that matter to our district.

    It's time to put a stop to this recklessness. It's time to invest in what matters.

    Send a working-class, rural Democrat to advocate for our working community.

  • At the heart of this campaign lies my steadfast commitment to principles of individual liberty. As Oregonians, we value our freedom and our right to make personal decisions without undue interference from the government or corporations.

    Right now, our rights as Americans are under fire. I want to ensure Oregonians that, if elected, I will fight to protect:

    Reproductive Rights

    Respect for Marriage

    Privacy Rights

    Second Amendment Rights

Make an impact today

Help build working communities with
a contribution to our campaign.

For working communities

Oregonians deserve a choice this November. What separates working people like me from a decent standard of living is a feeling of powerlessness. Our movement has an important message:
Working people are not powerless.

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Successful campaigns are won by dedicated volunteers knocking on doors and making calls. We may be up against a lot of money, but we’re not up against any new ideas. We need your help to get the message out and win District 28!

Meet Dylan

As a born-and-raised Oregonian, I am so excited to fight for my community. This campaign isn’t about me—it’s about us—so I’ll keep it short and sweet. I grew up in Medford, Oregon, and I am a proud graduate of Southern Oregon University. I am a veteran of the United States Air Force, and I have served my community as a Certified Nursing Assistant since 2017. I’m a husband, a father, a brother, and a son to incredible people with generations-old roots in Oregon. I am a working-class man who knows what it means to struggle, and I am running for our working community.

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